Monday, 26 February 2018

Antony Flew

"Since the beginning of my philosophical life I have followed the policy of Plato's Socrates: We must follow the argument wherever it leads." – Antony Flew

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Parable of the Invisible Gardener

I'm doing Atheism for Lent again this year. The first couple weeks of which provide daily thoughts that are intended to question widely received ideas about "God", especially the Theistic God of many Westerners. The intent is that the thought is from a respected and intelligent individual and is therefore supposed to be considered with an open mind rather than dismissed out of hand as one might ignore someone talking about something about which they have no specialist or professional connection.

The latter part of Atheism for Lent moves on to what I think are more interesting ideas about what I would describe as a non-theistic god (i.e. a god that is not necessarily a conscious agent or that has a mind).

Anyway, back to the earlier thoughts and the Invisible Gardener...