Sunday, 1 April 2018

The Catacombic Machine

I have been aware of The Catacombic Machine podcast for about a year and up until recently only listened to a few of them, mainly when they had a guest I already knew a bit about. With a lot of the others I couldn’t really make out where they were coming from and I wasn’t really up to speed with the background information needed to follow a lot of the discussion. Anyway I persevered and now I really like what they do and enjoy listening in. I’ve downloaded a significant portion of the back catalogue and am working my way through them. The last one I listened to was a discussion with LeRon Schults a professor who is American but lives in Norway and is an atheist working to understand aspects of religion at the University of Agder.

I was particularly taken by a part of the conversation that happened just under an hour in (if you look the podcast up and want to dive in then it starts at 58:33). It starts with Josef, the interviewer and the gist of what they said went like this…