Sunday, 2 September 2018

So perhaps there is no foundation of knowledge

A dialog with a madman.


  1. A standing ovation for this site.

  2. Einstein, supposedly one of the most intelligent human beings to have lived, said, "It is my take on religion that it is simply the concrete manifestation of superstition and mysticism." I think that pretty much says it all. Yet think of all of the billions of potentially productive hours, wasted, by people sitting in pews.

    1. Personally, I'm not too worried about the hours wasted sitting in pews (or in front of the TV for that matter). If they enjoyed it then fine, no problem. The problem is only when those in the pews impose their views on everyone else.

  3. In terms of genuine interaction with the world -- and productive behavior -- sitting in pews doesn't accomplish much. We are all dead in time, and most of us pretty quickly. Much better to be out in the world living life, doing something useful, or entertaining yourself in some more imaginative way than listening to stories about invisible friends in the sky, friends who have "a personal relationship with us," one we just cannot detect or verify. LOL, indeed. Churches now feel like prisons to me -- traps where we're being told what to think. Balderdash to all that.
